Monday, September 30, 2019

Explain the Relationship Between, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Development Essay

Joseph Schumpeter formally regarded the understanding that entrepreneurs are often innovators, bringing new, improved goods and technologies to markets, creating new niche upcoming solutions and delivering them into new markets. Entrepreneurship focuses on the creativity, moment of inspiration, the why when and how of certain opportunity recognition. According to Schumpeter â€Å"the role of entrepreneurship is implicit as an underlying cause of innovation. However, innovation is not solely the domain of entrepreneurs† – The idea of Entrepreneurship somewhat relies on the effective means of innovation. The concept of innovation allows the development of new ideas, inventions and their making come to pass. Economic development undertakes the adoption of new market technologies and industry based economies to see and improvement in economic standards as well as an increase in the net gain of money flow. In regards to the three ideas of entrepreneurship, innovation and eco nomic development I will discuss why I believe they co-exist. Where sustainability fits in is that increasingly our society is becoming more aware of its day-to-day actions with respect to the environment around it. It is becoming increasingly important topic on businesses agendas as without a scope for future revenue streams, the very nature of what they do will not be feasible. Increasingly these days if a business is to be economically viable then sustainability has to be engrained in its model. Schumpeter progressively demonstrates the fundamental view of behaviour from an entrepreneurial point of view and how it must coincide with that of the innovative. In the book ‘The Entrepreneurial Mind’, Jeffry Timmons defined entrepreneurship as â€Å"the ability to create and build something from practically nothing.† This shows that without innovation and ideas entrepreneurship cannot come to pass. Innovation is taking an idea and bringing it to market, however market attractiveness, size and dynamics are all important components and thus theory of entrepreneurial understanding plays a vital role in success The view that (radical) innovation is helpful in the promotion of growth through economic development links to the Schumpeterian understanding of ‘creative destruction’ – presupposed that it is the forceful differential that imposes a separate angle of economical structure, commonly replacing the old and imposing the new. The theory of radical innovation ties in consistently with this theory, however to fully understand the ideology behind innovation we must look at the various types. The two main types of innovation are incremental and as mentioned radical. Incremental innovation consists whereby the improvement of products, ideas, and strategies are put in place –often seen through the use of extension strategies. Positively speaking, incremental innovation helps to increase efficiency of products or services, by maximising the lifetime within their life cycle (short term innovation) and focusing on exploitation competencies. However in terms of long run economic value for development it may struggle to coincide with increases or dramatic changes in population and improvements of technology as two examples; especially in less economically development countries, thus limiting the innovative nature of an idea or action. On the other hand and more understandably tied in with entrepreneurship, we must look at radical innovation. â€Å"Radical innovation creates such a dramatic change in products, processes or services, that they transform existing market or industries, or create new ones.† Radical innovation looks to provide something new, accompanied by a disruptive or discontinuous quality that uproots markets and creates significant change within industries. This ties in coherently with entrepreneurship due to the fact that it is often these creations and innovative ideas that entrepreneurs use to bring good and services to the market place. Innovation encourages the go-forward, propelling economic development. New creative industries, as well as new firms originate from the entrepreneur causing old companies providing goods and services to react and adapt to market change, in turn leading to a development economically in both the short and long term. The drive to compete and push costs down is what compels market breakthroughs, changing market tastes, fashions and demands which play a role in the success of entrepreneurs. This change is what helps to bring about economic development and through demand and supply problems/wants being solved. It is not only innovation that an entrepreneur provides, yet everyday management and corporate social responsibility that eventually drives success and helps to maintain the sustainable goal. Peter f. Drucker define entrepreneurship as a ‘systematic, professional discipline available to anyone in an organisation’ – Drucker believed that entrepreneurship wasn’t just from an individual, yet it could be introduced systematically by firms and businesses i.e. Corporate Entrepreneurship. Drucker understood that entrepreneurship did not just have to be from initial start-up business but could occur within established organisations as well through management styles and development strategies. In relation to Schumpeter, he regarded development economically as the carrying out of different or new combinations. He developed this concept creating five cases saying that ‘ The introduction of a new good; The introduction of a new method of production; The opening of a new market; The conquest of a new source of supply or raw materials; The carrying out of the new organisation of any industry.’ All of these cases regard the process of economic development and through the structure that Schumpeter has developed we are able to denote the cyclical relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation, and economical development throughout each stage with the ultimate goal of progression in the market place to eventually maintain a sustainable position. I will now explain the importance of innovation with respect to its significance and enhancement of economic development. For the ongoing push to encourage and create economic development, innovation plays a key role as the appearance of new ideas to smaller less mature companies, especially in less economically developed countries. This is due to the fact it helps to promote the gap between a less economic developed countries and more economic developed countries. In their book ‘Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Development’, Adam Szirmai and Wim Nadue view innovation as ‘intimately tied in with changes in structure of the economy, technological increases in production and eventually more added value for global gain’ Common components such as product and process advancements through technology, as well as lowering cost barriers, innovations have become an important asset to firm success and competitiveness. Innovation through technological change proves to be embodied within machinery, equipment, and more specialised work forces. Other advances in research and development, and improved efficiency working environments have also helped to improve total economical productivity, ultimately leading to increases in development. Increases and development in the above not only improves the quantity of output within an economy, it also helps to advance the quality, delivery, and nature of a good or service. The continued increase of economic development creates higher output abilities for business that is ultimately fed back into the economy starting from the bottom and working its way to the top. An example of how entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development are linked can be shown from the internet site/service, Amazon created by the American Entrepreneur Jeff Bezos – offering an internet based approach, allowing customers to purchase books online. The radically innovative idea led to many traditional bookshops being put out of business, and its ability to hold a larger amount of books to a high street store, decreasing book store sales by 40%. Jeff Bezos saw the growing use and development of the internet, and decided to use this as a platform to launch his risky yet transformational idea of Amazon. The fact that Bezos saw this gap in the market and took the risk to launch his innovation makes him and the business entrepreneurial. The core competencies of Amazon allowed it to contribute it to economic development. One reason is due to the fact that it allows business and consumers to save time by being able to look and purchase for products on Amazon quickly and efficiently without having to go to stores or spend time search for them. It also contributes to economic efficiency due to the fact it allows companies to find goods at the most competitive prices and hence drives out firms that are uncompetitive. Going back to my emphasis on the increasing importance of sustainability, the ‘World Commission on Environment and Development’ say that ‘Sustainable Development meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’ – A vital consideration in this link is the goal or guide at which business as well as whole industry produce a good or service to a sustainable degree. Sustainability in this sense ties in with two concepts; meeting the needs of the poorer countries economically, and secondly the thought of limitation created by new technology and social footprint within the environment and its ability in the future. The obvious link between the former subject topics of this essay relate significantly to the topic of sustainability in the sense that each rely on future generation for further development, and also must maintain sustainability one way or another. Within his book ‘Beyond growth: Economics of Sustainable Development’ – Herman E. Daly saw sustainable development as ‘development without growth, that is without throughput growth beyond the regeneration and absorption capacities of the environment’ (pg13, 1997) – this view of sustainability sees economic development in a different category to that of growth. Therefore, the initial entrepreneurial idea that may have been developed through either increm ental or radical innovation will need to maintain being sustainable in order to create development economically in both the short, but more-so the long run. In conclusion it seems evident that without the inherent relationship that exists between the three main ideas of entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development none of them would completely flourish. The involvement of sustainability also plays a key role in this tightly knit relationship – the direct influence that sustainability has it extremely important as business in today’s world have a focus point on developing economically whilst being sustainable for themselves, and investors. I feel that in the future especially in the near future firms that do not involve themselves sustainably will find it difficult to compete within the market not having prejudged future needs and wants from consumers. This will evidentially create a firm to be less competitive in the long-run. Schumpeter stated ‘A firm can never be perfect in any sense, yet it in time approaches a relative perfection having regard to the surrounding world and social conditions’  œ The ability of entrepreneurs and business’ to understand that sustainability is vital at an early stage will enable them to source information and models to follow. I feel that even though the symbiotic relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development must tie in subsequently with sustainability it is a process that can be adapted throughout the innovation stage, and well as during economic development, and that entrepreneurs must not take away wholly from the prospect of growth and profit in such a way that may eventually negatively impact an idea, or a firm in the long-run. This fundamental relationship demonstrates the need of positive conductivity between each other, and I think that unless this is not achieved then economic development and market retention will not be held. Thus evidently I feel the focal communication between each stage must remain if an ultimate goal is to be reached economically and in terms of sustainability. References: Adam Szirmai and Wim Nadue (2011). Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Development. USA: Oxford University Press. p8. Advameg, Inc. (N/A). ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Available: Last accessed 18/11/2012. Gina Colarello O’Connor (2000). Radical Innovation: How Mature Companies Can Outsmart Upstarts. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press. p5. Herman E. Daly (1997). Beyond growth: Economics of Sustainable Development. N/A: Beacon Press; New edition. p13. Jeffry Timmons (1989). The Entrepreneurial Mind. Andover, Mass: Brick House Pub. Co., p1. Joseph Schumpeter (1989). The Theory Of Economic Development. Harvard University: New Brunswick and London. p67. Joseph Schumpeter (1989). The Theory Of Economic Development. Harvard University: New Brunswick and London. p79. Poh Kam Wong, Yuen Ping Ho, Erkko Autio. (2005). Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth. Evidence from GEM data. 24 (3), p339. UN. (1987). World Commission on Environment and Development. Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development. 96th (42/187), 43.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Multigrade Teaching Strategies Essay

Every student has their own aspirations on life and that is the reason why some students are working by virtue of aiming their own aspirations. Students of SSCT also have their own aspirations. Some of them are lucky that they belong to the economic-stable families where their family can support them in all aspects that they need compare to the students who work while studying. Academic performance of the students depends on the factors that affect it. These include various aspects that they need to adjust in order to attain their goals in life. Full time students have their advantages when it comes to their performance in school because they only focus on their own works especially in school activities. They are most capable in joining some activities pertaining to improve their various skills that lead them to excel their performance academically. Full time students do not worry on the things that they do and they will do because their time are not divided when it comes to household chores and school activities. They are lucky not because they are not working to sustain their school needs but because they are used to only focus on their aims that they set in life and how to attain it. They are also free on the things they want to. They can easily cope with school problems that need a lot of efforts to adjust on the situation. When it comes to financial aspects they easily pay for it without any doubt to tell to their parents and ask for it. Full time students are really blessed as they only focus on the right track that leads them to the road of success. On the other hand, working while studying is a burden among working students. They have to give up and set aside their social needs. Working students give their time in working and studying their lessons in school. Most of them have lack of sleep but still need to work and go to school. Due to school works, working students do not have time for themselves even on their personal needs. Most of them do not care on how they look as long as they enter school and listen to the discussion of the teacher. Because of their eagerness to finish their studies, they forget to care about their health. They almost forgot to spend their social life with friends, to live life, to experience their youth and do things that a normal person does. With their eagerness to succeed in life, they let the years go by without even thinking the present. Thus, full time and working students are both have the eagerness to a success but differ into various aspects on traveling the road of success for they have their own advantages and disadvantages to carry on to their road of success. Review of Literature Today, students can put dope in their veins or hope in their brains. If they can conceive it and believe it, they can achieve it. They must know it is not their aptitude but their attitude that will determine their altitude (Jackson, 2006). Socio-Economic Factor Education provides individual children with the knowledge and skills necessary to advance themselves and their nation economically. Socioeconomic factors, such as family income level, parents’ level of education, race and gender, all influence the quality and availability of education as well as the ability of education to improve life circumstances (Jennifer, 2007). Danesy (2006), complimenting environmental and socio-economic factors to produce high academic achievements and performance include good teaching, counseling, good administration, good seating arrangement and good building. High level of illiteracy, poverty and low socio-economic status coupled with high rate of paternal and maternal deprivation of student academic needs, which was necessitated by poor socio-economic situation of the country has thrown many farmers and old rural dwellers into untold financial problems such as poverty, lack of money to purchase necessary textbooks and working materials for their kids. Also many rural and suburban dwellers can no longer pay the school fees of their wards. These ugly situations have promoted young school students to drop out of school to engage in subsistence farming and become housemaids or engage in other menial jobs to support their academic pursuit. Hence, many students have since taken schooling as a secondary assignment and school attendance on rotational basis. Socio-economic factors like attendance in the class, family income, and mother’s and father’s education, teacher-student ratio, presence of trained teacher in school, sex of student and distance of school are also affected the performance of the students (Raychauduri, 2010). Physical Factor Regardless of the reason for working, trying to meet the multiple and sometimes conflicting simultaneous demands of the roles of student, employee, parent, and so on often creates high levels of stress and anxiety, making it less likely that students will complete their degrees (Kasworm 2010). There is a possibility a working student will have trouble finding time to study. If you have a job, you automatically have less time to do everything you want to (Corbett 2009). Mental Ability A typical response from faculty members and administrators who are asked how much undergraduate students should work at paying jobs while attending college. Available research supports this recommendation. Quantitative studies consistently show that retention rates are higher for students who work a modest number of hours per week (ten to fifteen) than they are for students who do not work at all or those who work more than fifteen hours per week. Research also shows increased academic success for students working on rather than off campus. Umbach (2005), associate professor of higher education at North Carolina State University, and his co-authors demonstrate the educational benefits to working students when their instructors encourage cooperative learning, set high expectations for student achievement, and create assignments that require students to demonstrate deep learning. A campus teaching center may also support faculty efforts to help working students. Family Factor Guidance is of the factor through which a student can improve his study attitudes and study habits and is directly proportional to academic achievement. The students who are properly guided by their parents have performed well in the exams. The guidance from the teacher also affects the student performance. The guidance from the parents and the teachers indirectly affect the performance of the students (Hussain, 2006). Students academic accomplishments and activities, perceptions of their coping strategies and positive attributions, and background characteristics (i. . , family income, parents level of education, guidance from parents and number of negative situations in the home) were indirectly related to their composite scores, through academic achievement (Noble 2008). Environmental Factor There are so many factors that can contribute to your academic performance. Noise, distractions, etc. can affect you in studying. Light, review materials, and others should be conducive to lear ning. However, there are some cases that students choose to have a bit of distractions. For instance, a student might want to listen to music while studying. Others might want to watch TV while doing this. It’s actually a case-to-case basis (Debate Society, biology professor, etc. 2008). The academic environment is the effective variable for students and has positive relationship with fathers education and grade level (Kirmani & Siddiquah, 2008). The student has to have an advantageous atmosphere to learn, not one which is disadvantageous to learning. If the student feels the need to participate, rather than being forced to and possibly be humiliated as a result, the student is apt to learn that much more (Bea 2009). How do you expect a student to perform great if they are sitting in a dimly lit room where they can’t hardly see what the professor is writing on the whiteboard, in room located next to an extremely busy train station or to have only a chair (to sit on) making it difficult to take notes or even open a book (Linda, 2010). Young, 2010), held the view that student performances are linked with use of library and level of their parental education. The use of the library positively affected the student performance. The students who are actively engage in the learning process are observed to have a positive correlation with the CGP. A Study effort from student and the proper use of the facilities provided by the institution to the student, a good match between learning style of the students and are positively affect t he performance of the students (Ali, 2009). Karemera, 2005) found that performance of the students is significantly correlated with satisfaction with academic environment and the facilities of library, computer lab and etc. in the institution. With regard to background variables, he found a positive effect of high school performance and school achievement he found no statistical evidence of significant association between family income level and academic performance of the student. Synthesis.  The above mentioned reviews are related to the present study in the same that it accounts for the similarities of findings specifically on the factors affecting the academic performance of the 2nd year and 3rd year BEED students in SSCT. Conceptual Framework The factors that affect to the academic performance of the 2nd year and 3rd year BEED students are complex and numerous. Hence, the researchers only need those that are commonly encountered by the students. This study is anchored in some related concepts for its framework. It includes the respondent’s profile in terms of age, sex, student status, religious affiliation and occupation of parents and the factors affecting the academic performance of the 2nd year and 3rd year BEED students that will be basic to come up with a quality research output. Each individual has its potential and capability to conduct a certain research study. However, these are some factors or aspects that would affect in doing this kind of work. It must be considered by the researchers in order to have a better result.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Nutrition handout Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nutrition handout - Essay Example Considering this, it is very important for us to learn what measures should we take which would enhance our stamina, so that we can devote more time to sports, and what is the right kind of diet to help us perform better and earn a fit and healthy physique. It would remain very convenient if we could acquire a sports nutrition handout, to which we can refer as a guide in order to learn what kind of diet would match a certain kind of sport. The model of a nutrition handout for Running is presented below: Running requires stamina more than any other sport would do, since the runner cannot stop in between the starting point and the destination point, in order to win the race. Therefore, prior to explaining what diet a runner needs to take at what time, some general guidelines for building stamina would be explained first. The key secret of a successful runner is control of heart beat. In order to achieve that, it is necessary that a runner does not smoke. Smoking drastically reduces stamina. Besides, a runner should try to keep taking longer breaths. This practice would relax the heart which would allow more exertion in return. Now, the nutritional guidelines a runner needs to follow are as follows: A good intake of carbohydrates and proteins a couple of hours (generally 2 to 4) before the practice lends the muscles the energy they would require to win the runner the race. A well-hydrated body would perform better than an otherwise body. â€Å"If you hydrate and fuel before you train and compete, your body will do a better job of cooling itself, and your muscles will have more energy.† (Jensen, n.d.). Pasta, cheese, low-fat milk, low-fat yoghurt, honey, fruits and vegetables, are some sources of the required nutrients. The runners should choose from these sources and combine as liked to make a diet rich in taste and nutritional value to

Friday, September 27, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 94

Essay Example It is with this overview, that this paper will analyze an article by the National Geographic on a global warming overview. It will look at the green house effects, global warming causes, why it is a concern and lastly give a conclusion in relation to the topic. The greenhouse effect can be best described as the result of what happens when heat gets trapped by certain gases in the earth’s atmosphere, for instance the greenhouse glass walls. These gases let in light but prevent heat from escaping thus, the heating results. Since 1824, scientists have been aware of the greenhouse effects. Pioneers like Joseph Fourier ascertained that the earth’s climate is livable mainly due to the greenhouse effects, without which the earth would be colder. Svante Arrhenis, a Swedish chemist, in 1895, further helped kick start the decade long climate research that has made us, better understand global warming by discovering that the greenhouse effects can be enhanced by making carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas. The greenhouse gases are known to absorb radiation in the atmosphere that makes them the major contributors to the greenhouse effects. Merged with the resulting global warming and the rising greenhouse gases levels,the greenhouse effects are foreseen to have major consequences, this is in accordance to the near global–agreement byscientists. If unchecked the global warming will cause, climatic changes, increase in ocean acidification, severe societal and natural impacts, and extreme weather events and this is according to EPA, NASA and other governmental and scientific bodies (National Geographic 1). Research on the actual causes of global warming has been going on for decades. Scientists have analyzed the natural events and cycles that are known to influence climatic changes but not even the measured patterns and amount can be explained by these factors alone, therefore making it necessary for the GHGs (levels of greenhouse gases)

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Manifesto report and Stakeholders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Manifesto report and Stakeholders - Essay Example Energy which is the economic drive is another resource which we have to reduce its uses and try to come up with renewable sources of energy. My government will fund innovations geared towards production of renewable sources of energy. Funding these innovations will be one way of creating employment to the unemployed citizens as well as increasing our nation’s income. This will ensure that we will be having continuous supply of energy to run our nation’s activities be it industrial or official as well more employment opportunities for the unemployed citizens. We are looking forward to subsidize the prices of fertilizers by 10% to make them more affordable to the farmers so that they can produce healthy produce and increase their annual yield. However, it is my wish that we adopt to using manure instead of the inorganic fertilizers which is eco-friendly and very cheap since the manure is readily available in our farms (Fukuoka, 1985). If we will be spending less than we earn, it means that our national income will increase, in which new opportunities will be created leading to employment to thousands to our jobless citizens (Chester , G. A., 2013). This will also mean that the cost of production for the locally manufactured goods will be low hence low inflation. A nation with low inflation rate of less than 5% attracts more investors to come and invest and also enhances its international trade, which is my government’s mission. My government will work hand in hand with the European dimensions as they help us in several ways like teaching us on how the global markets are doing, which product is selling well in the market, reducing levies on European countries hence help in promoting trade amongst its member states. We are ready to work together with European dimension as this means that even labor can be moved from our country to the others at cheap charges which in return will

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Practice with Enterprise Architecture (EA) Principles Assignment

Practice with Enterprise Architecture (EA) Principles - Assignment Example Because the business principle is focusing on customers then the data sub-architecture is affected. Changing the business principle to elimination of channel barriers in distribution is essential because it affects not only the front end activities like shopping options but also back-end systems that allow order execution while controlling inventory flow. The data sub-architectures in the retail store’s EA would be influenced by the rationale as well as the implications of the principle. The information offered by the principle facilitates its acceptance and supports its application in data-substructures through justification of the rationale within the principle. Data sub-architectures in the retail store are influenced by the new principle because architectural principles in EA aim at capturing the fundamental truth regarding the way the enterprise uses and deploys information technology resources (Minoli, 2008). Because the business principle changed to focus on elimination of channel barriers in distribution, then data sub-architecture would need to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Legal Aspects of Nursing- Homework 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Legal Aspects of Nursing- Homework 5 - Essay Example The installed monitoring gadget was more accurate with the operation of the nurse and if the case was to be taken from this instant then the conspicuous and repeated discrepancy between the two records were sufficient evidence to justify the actions of the facility. As the case proceeded to the trial levels, things were bound to change(Sloan, 1993). From the confession of other nurses that the facility did not have proper policy on documentation of narcotics and most of them had equally taken invalid records, gave the nurse upper hand to verify her claim. The discrepancy realized may have been as a result of mistakes made in undertaking the manual documentation for which the facility management seemed not give much attention. Testimony of the other nurses over uncensored manual documentation painted negligence on the side of the facility and therefore they lacked concrete incriminating evidence to suspend the nurse. This means that the testimony of the other nurses turned tables agai nst the defense of the facility for suspending the nurse. The institution just realized that there had been a massive misinformation due to invalid records that must have been documented over time by most of the nurses (Sloan, 1993). The facility management therefore remained more exposed in its incompetency to make sound documentation policies which are the backbone of efficient operation of the facility and quality healthcare. The facility therefore had to address the issue of ineffective documentation policy that must have given the suspended nurse legal loophole to successfully sue it. Ruling of the case ought to have been in favor of the suspended nurse since her actions and the subsequent testimony exposed the long standing negligence of the institution as far as ethical and legal healthcare practices are concerned (Rosdahl & Kowalski,2008). The most important principle of safety to the patients in this case is to minimize error by following due instruction in terms of adminis tering the right doze of the recommended prescription. The delay of documentation that the nurses testified to have been committing presents an open case of negligence since this is a matter of law and ethics which they must have been trained on. By the standard of their qualification, the patients are under their care in the spirit of trust and failure to take up their duties appropriately like documentation makes them liable to tort of negligence (Sloan, 1993). The confession about delay of the nurses’ documentation of such crucial information put the life of the patients at risk besides giving the institution wrong information that would be costly in terms of medication stocking and medical billing on patients. This therefore amounted to services below standard of care. The action of the nurses from this case presents poor ethical standards on the part of the nurses. It is imperative that the nurses know that communicating an existing problem that pose a threat to the faci lity and the health of the patients is primary to the welfare of the society (Rosdahl & Kowalski, 2008). The institution management should also underscore the significance of free and healthy interaction with its staff so that it would be easy for them to note any anomaly in their behavior. The interest of the patient should come first since the cardinal role of the nurses is to save life and this would suffice the definition of positive ethical code

Monday, September 23, 2019

Histograms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Histograms - Essay Example Notably, histograms are indispensable in tabulating and analysis of data acquired from the intelligent quotient scores of both males and females varying results. In addition, it gives details on the mean, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, class width and skewness of the intelligent quotient scores of both male and females. Considerably, histograms are significant in showing the distribution of data thus, it is essential to establish the differences that occur in the intelligent quotient scores of both male and females. More than often, female are agreeable and open with their feelings as compared to their male counterparts who are assertive. As a result, the intelligent quotient tests that require details on information about a person’s openness, empathy and facial expression make females more likely to score highly than males, because in nature, they give detail information and are skilful in verbal communication. On the other hand, the male will give less information and as a result, score poorly in the intelligent quotient test. In addition, the memory holding capability of both males and females differ because the male counterparts have the ability to recall encounters masculine in nature and scores highly as such, if the intelligence quotient test asked are dealing with events of masculine’s nature. On the other hand, females have the ability to remember experiences, faces and names of individuals and places (Garlick, 2003). As a result, female participants score highly in intel ligent quotient tests that incorporate questions dealing with remembering events and experiences they encountered before hence scoring highly than their males counterparts. Extensively, males are proficient in things that involves mental rotation and mathematical in nature (Dykiert, Gale & Deary, 2007). As a result, tests set with mathematical calculation makes the males comfortable and tackle them with much ease and score highly than the females. In addition, many

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Bullying at Work Place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Bullying at Work Place - Essay Example promotion) for the bully." (Field, 1999) The employees and the managers undertake bullying in order to hide their inefficiency in managing the inadequacy of the tasks performed by the subordinates and team members. The higher the person bullies the higher the level of inadequacy he shows at his workplace. In today's a management era when the business missions are comprise of short term goals with a short time span to be achieved in, the work pressure, time constraints and the surge to show high level performance leads to more frustration in case of failure to achieve any of the above mentioned factors. The purpose of bullying is to hide inadequacy. Bullying has nothing to do with managing etc; good managers manage, bad managers bully. Management is managing; bullying is not managing. Therefore, anyone who chooses to bully is admitting their inadequacy, and the extent to which a person bullies is a measure of their inadequacy. Bullies project their inadequacy on to others. The global political changes have transformed the simple role of those who are leading. Instead of one workforce, one way of working one culture, one set of best practices, one leader there are now issues of alignment, of accommodation of differences, of management of diversity, and of synchronisation, in order to present a global view to both internal and external circumstances. In addition, there are different sets of expectations to be managed. Leadership is Leadership is an important aspect of managing. (Kotler, 1990) As the part of this paper will show what qualities a leader (man/ woman) should posses in order to lead effectively. Managers must exercise all the function of their role in order to combine human and material resources to achieve objectives. The key to doing this is the existence of a clear role and a degree of discretion or authority to support manager's actions. The essence of leadership is follower ship. (Haller & Til, 1982) In other words, it is the willingness of people to follow that makes a person a leader. Moreover, people tend to follow those whom they see as providing a means of achieving their own desires, wants, and needs. Leadership and motivation are closely interconnected. By understanding motivation, one can appreciate better what people want and why they act as they do. Women leaders may not only respond to subordinates, motivations but also arouse or dampen them by means of the organisational climate they develop. Both these factors are as important to leadership as they are to manager ship. The motivation given by the leadership makes the followers to depict certain behavioural attitudes. These values transformed by the leader in his/ her followers are different in men and women. Valian has presented them as gender schemas. According to Valian (1999) the gender schemas are the stereotypes and bases learned in childhood. The gender schema for men includes "being capable of independent, autonomous actionassertive, instrumental, and task-oriented" (Valian, 1999). For women, the schema is different and includes "being nurturant, expressive, communal, and concerned about others" (Valian, 1999). Both men and women express their personality trials according to the above schema. The organisational trials and values are designed in accordance with the male schema. That's why the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Explain why Act 2. Scene 2. is a turning point in the play for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Essay Example for Free

Explain why Act 2. Scene 2. is a turning point in the play for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Essay Explain why Act 2. Scene 2. Is a turning point in the play for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. How should the actors playing these characters behave to show the audience what they are feeling? In the First Act we learn that Macbeth is thought of as a very noble, loyal, brave man. For brave Macbeth O valiant cousin, worthy gentlemen! Macbeth was victorious in a battle on behalf of the kingdom and gets lots of praise from the king, and the other soldiers, and unknown to him is soon be given the title, Thane Of Cawdor. Banquo and Macbeth are travelling home and they came across 3 witches. These witches prophisize that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and that soon after he will become king. All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Cawdor! All hail Macbeth! Thalt shalt be King hereafter. Macbeth doesnt pay to much attention to them and continues on with his journey, when he returns home, he finds out that the King is coming to stay with him and Lady Macbeth in their castle. Macbeth then finds out of the title and tells Lady Macbeth of the three witches prophesies, and then Lady Macbeth starts to hatch a plan. Macbeth was so horrified of the idea of killing Duncan because in those days, people believed in something, which was called the divine right of kings. Which meant that they believed the king to have been chosen by god. So an attack on King Duncan would have been considered sacrilege. In Act one, Macbeth comes across as brave and loyal, but if he goes through with the murder, he will be forever looking over his shoulder, he will have to watch what he says and does, because he could be found out. This would change his character entirely. Macbeth has to realise that there can be no going back once the murder has been committed. James 1 would have understood and believed in the divine right of kings, so when the play was being written, including it would have been more interesting as the play was originally wrote for James 1, who was king at the time. Scene 2 has to be the most violent part of the play although we dont actually see the murder in the written play, it is only included in the film version, which we recently watched, directed by Roman Polantski. It is interesting that Macbeth kills King Duncan offstage, the scene could be written this way because Shakespeare wanted us to concentrate on Macbeths reaction to the murder, rather than the murder itself. Its a crucial part in the play as it the first of many murders. The murder takes place on the night of the Kings stay. Everything that happens in the play now is revolved around this scene. This scene is important because it not only features the murder scene. It is also the start of the falling apart of the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. There is a lot of tension when we see Lady Macbeth pacing about nervously, waiting for Macbeth to come back. We also see Lady Macbeths softer side too when she says Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had donet meaning if the King had not looked like her father she would have gone through with the murder herself. I imagine her to be looking quite sad at this point, yet nervous, for fear of still being caught. It reminds us that lady Macbeth still has some humanity because it might help the audience to understand why she does what she does at the end of the play. Lady Macbeth hears an owl screech while she is waiting for Macbeth and jumps, as she is clearly quite nervous even though earlier on in the play she says That, which hath made them drunk, hath made me bold. This is obviously not the case. Lady Macbeth may say this half-jokingly and holding the cup up near to her face, which she drinks it. When Macbeth comes to meet his wife they are both nervous, yet they seem excited to, as they dont speak in full sentences, its a short, sharp exchange of words. When , Now , as, I descended , Aye. His shows the audience that they are worried, nervous etc. They will at this maybe looking around them to see if there is anyone coming, or looking at each other trying to see what the other is thinking. Macbeth also still has hold of the daggers, which makes the tension in the scene increase. Macbeth cant seem to believe he has committed such a crime as he says, This is a sorry sight. He is also referring to his hands, which are covered in blood, Macbeth must have been putting his head in his hands at this point for him not to notice, therefore holding them up in front of his face. He cant seem to forget about the murder after this point. He seems obsessed with what he has done and almost in a hypnotising state of mind. Lady Macbeth, although in a way mocks him, she stays calm and says to him Go get some water and wash this filthy witness from your hands. Lady Macbeth is probably pushing him to the fountain and is keeping an eye on him, as so, they wont get caught. Macbeth knows that he might be able to get rid of the stain from his hands but not from his conscience. He says Not all Neptunes ocean can wash me clean. Lady Macbeth makes fun of Macbeth for dwelling on the murder and has a go at him for being a coward. Macbeth and his wife seem to lose a connection with each other and Shakespeare has made it obvious that Macbeth is the weaker of the two characters and his and Lady Macbeths relationship isnt going very well. He shows this by having Macbeth ramble on, and say long speeches. But Lady Macbeth stays in control, she acts almost evil and without a conscience. The play seems to build up more tension by Macbeth saying that he thought he had heard a voice saying Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore shall sleep no more: Macbeth shall sleep no more. This could be Macbeths imagination, or him hearing another of the witches prophesies. The knocking on the door startles Macbeth, as he knows now, this could tell whether his crime is about to be found out or not. Lady Macbeth again keeps her head amongst all of this, although nervous they will be discovered. Lady Macbeth quickly returns the bloodstained daggers to Duncans grooms, and goes one further and says, If he do bleed, Ill guild the grooms with Duncans blood, for it must seem their guilt. Shakespeare has her do this to make the audience aware of how much more confident than Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is. Whereas Macbeth is still in shock of the crime he had committed. Shakespeare conveys that Lady Macbeth and Macbeths relationship is slowly deteriorating, as Macbeth seems to be acting crazily and Lady Macbeth seems evil and calculating and in control of the situation. The knocking still carrying on, lady Macbeth appears annoyed and urges her husband, to his chamber, where they can hide and come across as innocent to the murder if it is discovered. Shakespeare has once again let Lady Macbeth take control. Shakespeare has cleverly used language and structure of sentences manages to create a lot of tension and excitement in this scene. He uses the right language in the right places to make the characters and the play really believable. Towards the end of the play Macbeth becomes overwhelmed by guilt and fear, he murders anyone he suspects might know. Eventually the heir to crown kills Macbeth, after Lady Macbeth has taken her own life as she is overcome by the guilt. King James and the rest of the Shakespearean audience would have wanted the murders and lies and drama, this is probably what they would have expected. Sacrilege was believed to have been punished by God. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were the murderers so this would have added excitement; the witches added some eerieness and supernatural theme to the play. These are good choices for the play at that particular time, and it still makes it good today.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Research PaperSancho Panza

Research PaperSancho Panza Research PaperSancho Panza: Sidekick and Skeptic The character Sancho Panza in Miguel de Cervantes Don Quixote de La Mancha is both a sidekick and a skeptic. Don Quixote de La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra is acclaimed as one of the best novels ever written. Miguel de Unamuno once wrote there scarcely exists a person of even average education who does not have some idea of Don Quixote and Sancho. Contrary to what one might think, there is a character who is just as important to the success of this novel as is Don Quixote himself: Sancho Panza. Without him, Don Quixote would be a two-dimensional character with hardly any appeal. But with the aid of Sanchos interactions, Quixote takes depth and form as a character. The reader is able to judge Quixote through the thoughts and actions of his companion because Sancho is both a supportive sidekick and a nagging skeptic. Sancho Panzas duality shows both the good and bad in Don Quixote, which reveals many sides to Quixote that would not have been shown otherwise. Despite being physically hurt on multiple occasions and faced with perpetual humiliation, Sancho Panza continues to follow Don Quixote on his insane adventures. Sancho does not share his masters extreme belief in chivalrous virtues, however he often lives in and adores [Quixotes madness], sometimes getting caught up in [it] entirely(Sparknotes). Sanchos support of Don Quixote shows that Quixote is prominently good and lets the reader know that he is an admirable person with at least enough sanity to maintain a good friendship. Sancho Panza fulfills the role of a sidekick by being absolutely faithful (Dramatica) and having an unswerving belief and support of the Protagonist (Phillips). Sancho demonstrates his loyalty even on his first day as aAs Don Quixotes squire, Sancho follows his master into countless situations where the outcomes are unfavorable to say the least. On his first day as a squire, Sancho accompanies Quixote as hewhen he accompanies Quixote as they approaches a coach that the knight errant believes to contain an imprisoned princess. Don Quixote attacks one of the monks in front of the coach and knocks him off of his horse. Sancho scrambles to collect the monks garb as a battle spoil for his master, but the servants that are standing by see him and they attacked Sancho and knocked him downleaving no hair in his beard unscathed, they kicked him breathless and senseless and left him lying on the ground (Cervantes 62, 63). Even after a brutal beating to start off his career, Sancho rides off with Quixote after the battle and is more worried about his masters wounds than his own. The squire maintains his loyalty like a true sidekick, but more importantl y, he allows the reader to feel pity for Quixote through his own concern for the mans wellbeing. Later on in the book, Sancho and Quixote stay at an inn to heal their wounds from a previous beating. The innkeeper expects to receive payment when the two try to leave, but Don Quixote refuses to pay him anything. Quixote then rides off a fair distance from the inn, not realizing that he has left his squire behind. The innkeeper turns to Sancho and demands payment. When Sancho does not pay, a few men throw him into a blanket and [begin] to toss him and make merry with him as if he were a dog at a Carnival (Cervantes 122). Not only does this good squire show loyalty, but also support and belief in Don Quixote. Sancho is hesitant at first when Quixote wants to rescue his horse Rocinante from a group of angry Yanguesans. He exclaims, What the devil kind of revenge are we supposed to take when there are more than twenty of them and only two of us, or maybe only one and a half? Quixote replies that he himself is worth a hundred and charges the crowd of men. Sancho then becomes incited and moved by his masters example, [and so] he [does] the same (Cervantes 103). Sanchos faith in his master during times of imminent disaster shows that Don Quixote must have good leadership qualities as well as the ability to inspire and motivate through sheer confidence. Despite being physically hurt on multiple occasions and faced with perpetual humiliation, Sancho Panza continues to follow Don Quixote on his insane adventures. Sancho does not share his masters extreme belief in chivalrous virtues, however he often lives in and adores [Quixotes madness], sometimes getting caught up in [it] entirely(Sparknotes). Sancho Panza therefore fulfills the requirements for being a sidekick by being absolutely faithful (Dramatica) and having an unswerving belief and support of the Protagonist (Phillips). Sancho Panza also demonstrates the attributes of a skeptic and allows Quixote to be criticized as well as praised. A skeptic doubts everything, thinks every plan is unworkable, and that success is unlikely (Phillips). Sancho does not always agree with his master and often times Quixotes heightened, insane conception of the world is brought crashing to earth by Sanchos sly pragmatism (Thornton) and. hHe frequently berates Don Quixote for his reliance on fantasy (Sparknotes). One such example of Sanchos skepticism and probably one of the most famous events in the novel is when the two encounter a field of windmills. To Don Quixote, the windmills are giants that against which he must wage battle against. Sancho is skeptical of this notion, does not agree. He warned [Quixote] that, beyond any doubt, those things he was about to attack were windmills and not giants. But Quixote does not heed Sanchos pleas and ends up being tossed off Rocinante when his lance gets stuck in one of the vanes. Sancho rushes to his masters aid and says, Didnt I tell your grace to watch what you were doing, that these were nothing but windmills, and only somebody whose head was full of them wouldnt know that? (Cervantes 58-59). In instances such as these, Sancho shows that Quixote does not have the best judgement and is certainly not of sound mind. Sancho Panza is a complex character that demonstrates the qualities of both a sidekick and a skeptic. These two opposite archetypes fused within one person allows for a perception of Don Quixote that gives him life. If Sancho was not present in the novel, the readers would not get as much enjoyment out of the book and Don Quixote would not be as popular as it has been for the past centuries.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Julius Caesar - Citizen Of Rome :: essays research papers

Julius Caesar-Citizen of Rome My name is Felicius Dedecus, and I live in Rome. I am a common citizen, and work in the local bakery. I am married to a charming lady named Antonia. We have been married for only a couple of months, and we do not have any children. We are not yet prepared to have a child, because we cannot financially support one. Once the bakery starts going well, we will have a child. I work during the days, and Antonia, being a lady, does not work so she could take care of the child. I begin to laugh, when I imagine a woman working somewhere other than in the kitchen. It would be quite an odd sight. I hear people shouting. It seems to be coming from the Capitol. I am heading towards there, to find out the reason for all of this commotion. The greatest man that I have ever known is dead. His name was Caesar, and he was a beloved benefactor and a hero. He defeated Pompey's sons, and would do anything to benefit Rome. Rome will never profit from this man again, for he was stabbed by a sword. Honorable Brutus, his best friend, helped in the killing of Caesar. All actions of this noble man, in the past, have been admirable. I am at the Forum, and the funeral for beloved Caesar is about to take place. Brutus will explain his reasons for murdering Caesar, which will surely be logical. Then, Mark Antony will be delivering a speech, and conducting the funeral rites. The funeral speech, or Laudatio Funebris, is a common Roman custom. This funeral promises to be chaotic, and I am not sure what is to come for Rome. Brutus is about to speak. My co-worker at the local bakery, Ragorius, says aloud what many of us Roman citizens are thinking. He says, "We will be satisfied; let us be satisfied." I am anxious to hear Brutus' speech, for I am very curious to hear the justification of the murder. Had anyone else killed Caesar, in no circumstance, would I have listened to their speech. However, Brutus is reputable, and his dignified presence gets him replies upon his request. He asks us, "Be patient till the last . . . hear me for mine cause and be silent." When Brutus said this, I immediately obeyed him. He says, ". Julius Caesar - Citizen Of Rome :: essays research papers Julius Caesar-Citizen of Rome My name is Felicius Dedecus, and I live in Rome. I am a common citizen, and work in the local bakery. I am married to a charming lady named Antonia. We have been married for only a couple of months, and we do not have any children. We are not yet prepared to have a child, because we cannot financially support one. Once the bakery starts going well, we will have a child. I work during the days, and Antonia, being a lady, does not work so she could take care of the child. I begin to laugh, when I imagine a woman working somewhere other than in the kitchen. It would be quite an odd sight. I hear people shouting. It seems to be coming from the Capitol. I am heading towards there, to find out the reason for all of this commotion. The greatest man that I have ever known is dead. His name was Caesar, and he was a beloved benefactor and a hero. He defeated Pompey's sons, and would do anything to benefit Rome. Rome will never profit from this man again, for he was stabbed by a sword. Honorable Brutus, his best friend, helped in the killing of Caesar. All actions of this noble man, in the past, have been admirable. I am at the Forum, and the funeral for beloved Caesar is about to take place. Brutus will explain his reasons for murdering Caesar, which will surely be logical. Then, Mark Antony will be delivering a speech, and conducting the funeral rites. The funeral speech, or Laudatio Funebris, is a common Roman custom. This funeral promises to be chaotic, and I am not sure what is to come for Rome. Brutus is about to speak. My co-worker at the local bakery, Ragorius, says aloud what many of us Roman citizens are thinking. He says, "We will be satisfied; let us be satisfied." I am anxious to hear Brutus' speech, for I am very curious to hear the justification of the murder. Had anyone else killed Caesar, in no circumstance, would I have listened to their speech. However, Brutus is reputable, and his dignified presence gets him replies upon his request. He asks us, "Be patient till the last . . . hear me for mine cause and be silent." When Brutus said this, I immediately obeyed him. He says, ".

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

jackson pollock :: essays research papers

Paul Jackson Pollock was born January 28, 1912, in Cody, Wyoming. He grew up in Arizona and California and in 1928 began to study painting at the Manual Arts High School, Los Angeles. In the fall of 1930, Pollock moved to New York and studied under Thomas Hart Benton at the Art Students League. Benton encouraged him throughout the succeeding decade. By the early 1930s, Pollock knew and admired the murals of Josà © Clemente Orozco and Diego Rivera. Although he traveled widely throughout the United States during the 1930s, much of Pollock’s time was spent in New York, where he settled permanently in 1934 and worked on the WPA Federal Art Project from 1935 to 1942. In 1936, he worked in David Alfaro Siqueiros’s experimental workshop in New York. Pollock’s first solo show was held at Peggy Guggenheim’s Art of This Century gallery, New York, in 1943. Guggenheim gave him a contract that lasted through 1947, permitting him to devote all his time to painting. Prior to 1947, Pollock’s work reflected the influence of Pablo Picasso and Surrealism [more]. During the early 1940s, he contributed paintings to several exhibitions of Surrealist and abstract art, including Natural, Insane, Surrealist Art at Art of This Century in 1943, and Abstract and Surrealist Art in America, organized by Sidney Janis at the Mortimer Brandt Gallery, New York, in 1944. From the fall of 1945, when artist Lee Krasner and Pollock were married, they lived in the Springs, East Hampton, New York. In 1952, Pollock’s first solo show in Paris opened at the Studio Paul Facchetti and his first retrospective was organized by Clement Greenberg at Bennington College, Bennington, Vermont. jackson pollock :: essays research papers Paul Jackson Pollock was born January 28, 1912, in Cody, Wyoming. He grew up in Arizona and California and in 1928 began to study painting at the Manual Arts High School, Los Angeles. In the fall of 1930, Pollock moved to New York and studied under Thomas Hart Benton at the Art Students League. Benton encouraged him throughout the succeeding decade. By the early 1930s, Pollock knew and admired the murals of Josà © Clemente Orozco and Diego Rivera. Although he traveled widely throughout the United States during the 1930s, much of Pollock’s time was spent in New York, where he settled permanently in 1934 and worked on the WPA Federal Art Project from 1935 to 1942. In 1936, he worked in David Alfaro Siqueiros’s experimental workshop in New York. Pollock’s first solo show was held at Peggy Guggenheim’s Art of This Century gallery, New York, in 1943. Guggenheim gave him a contract that lasted through 1947, permitting him to devote all his time to painting. Prior to 1947, Pollock’s work reflected the influence of Pablo Picasso and Surrealism [more]. During the early 1940s, he contributed paintings to several exhibitions of Surrealist and abstract art, including Natural, Insane, Surrealist Art at Art of This Century in 1943, and Abstract and Surrealist Art in America, organized by Sidney Janis at the Mortimer Brandt Gallery, New York, in 1944. From the fall of 1945, when artist Lee Krasner and Pollock were married, they lived in the Springs, East Hampton, New York. In 1952, Pollock’s first solo show in Paris opened at the Studio Paul Facchetti and his first retrospective was organized by Clement Greenberg at Bennington College, Bennington, Vermont.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Study of Si Surface Structures Essay examples -- Science Experimen

The Study of Si Surface Structures The goal of this study is to determine the ratios of surface type upon the Si sample. Data is collected from the Si samples using SPALEED. By analyzing the data from dates where combined surfaces are present it is possible to determine the amount of certain types of surfaces present on the sample. The ultimate goal is the ability to control the growth of Pb islands upon the Si crystal. Applications of this research include the design of advanced microprocessors and quantum wires. Introduction: The goal of the REU project to which I was assigned is to determine the amounts of certain types of crystalline surface structures present upon the Si crystal that had been used in previous experiments involving the formation of Pb islands at low temperature. This is accomplished by analyzing certain aspects of the data collected by Spot Profile Analysis Low Energy Electron Diffraction (SPALEED). The data sets are taken from different experimental runs involving various surfaces and are compared to one another. These surfaces include combined types of surface structures as well as those with only a single surface structure present. Background and Experimental Procedure: Within ultra-high vacuum and at very low temperature, a Si crystal is placed. This crystal is heated by use of a tungsten filament to high temperatures in order to eliminate impurities. The Si is then heated again at certain temperatures and for specific durations of time in order to create particular crystalline surface structures. Atoms of Pb are then deposited upon the Si crystal by a process of evaporation. The amount of Pb deposited is known and is measured in terms of monolayers, or layers of Pb upon the surface measu... known through previous experiments that the surface of the Si upon which the Pb is deposited can change the height of the Pb islands formed. By altering the silicon surface upon which the Pb is deposited it is hoped that the Pb islands can be controlled. The hope is that the work here can help pave the way for computer chip architecture in the next fifty years. If the Pb islands can be deposited evenly and placed in specific locations it is believed that they can be use as quantum wires, dramatically increasing the speed of the silicon chip computer. At this time the data is promising. With more data and further analysis the problems of controllable Pb island formation are sure to be solved. The use of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and SPA-LEED are the keys to unlocking the mysteries of the Si surface and it’s connection to the formation of the Pb islands.

Book Review: The Blueprint of a Green Economy

The Blueprint of a Green EconomyDavid Pearce, Anil Markandya, Edward BarbierBook Review Background The book â€Å"A Blueprint for a Green Economy† was written as a study for the Department of Environment in the U.K. under the name – â€Å"Sustainable Development, Resource Accounting and Project assessment: State of the Art Review† popularly known as the Pearce Report. Post the well-known Brundtland Report, the authors, conservationists, economic experts David Pearce, Anil Markandya and Edward Barbier have presented the â€Å"economic underpinnings of the thought of sustainable development† in the book documenting their thoughts and positions refering sustainability. The book depicts the meeting of the market doctrine of Margret Thatcher popularly called Thatcherism with the late articulated concern for the environment. Refering the demand of the hr inquiry, the book became a best merchandising in the field of environmental economic sciences when it was released in 1989. Contented Analysis and Major Subjects The rules were three:Policy to be based on sustainability, Delegating rating to environmental effects and incentivizing environmental betterment. Thesustainability constructis explained as a two-pronged attack, as much capital and environmental wealth to future coevalss as the present coevals. The 2nd subject concerns therating of environmental effectswhich aimed at seting a positive monetary value / economic value on the environment alternatively of 0 monetary value policy. The 3rd subject advocates theusage of market inducementsfor accomplishing preferable environmental results. The writers have tried to develop a market-based attack to reflect all these issues as it is in footings of variables of demand, supply and monetary values as they steadfastly believe that is the easiest and best manner to react and turn to the issues of environment-development tradeoff and sustainable development. The Congestion charges of London, the Carbon credits trading—are a twosome of illustrations of the 3rd subject mentioned. The Blueprint for a Green Economy believes in long-run policy steps for following a way to sustainable economic development. The book brought the way interrupting thought of sing Environment as capital plus brings out the position to include non merely natural resources and inputs as portion of these assets but besides the constructs of eco-tourism, and installations or chances such as fishing, hunting, wildlife sing etc as natural capital. As this natural capital is non earned unlike our fiscal and physical capital, there tends to be a grade of sloppiness associated in footings of our point of view. Hence, there is inclination to over-exploit and see them as abundant or limitless without caring for their equal saving and handiness for the future coevalss. While such usage leads to immense growing now, its long-run impact would be to sabotage it. The book answers the refering inquiry is where to pull the line, what is the tradeoff? Blueprint of a Green Economy gives a different return to theenvironment vs. economic growing argument. It points out that the existent trade-off is between our stock of semisynthetic capital ( viz. physical and human capital ) and our natural capital. It does non prophesize abandoning any economic development merely because there would be environmental impacts. The book recognizes worlds and the fact that some sum of environmental effects is ineluctable even at zero-growth phases. All that the book argues is that such a trade-off must be rational i.e. the economic development must warrant the environmental cost it would incur and for that the economic rating of the environmental impact must be right and non undervalued as it has ever been historically. Therefore, a undertaking should be undertaken merely if its economic benefits exceed the overall environmental costs every bit good as the benefits that are presently accruing due to non-existence of such a undertaking. The Southern Cross of unsustainable development in today’s universe is the gross undervaluation of environmental impact of economic development. Such wrong rating leads to incorrect picks as the trade-offs are non right assessed. Another cardinal subject highlighted in this book is theimmensefalse belief in disregarding the rating of cardinal constituents of natural capitalthat provide us services or serve of import natural maps for free such as purification of H2O by coastal wetlands. As this map has a nothing monetary value and there is no market place for it, there is natural hazard of its development or over-usage resulting in debasement. Exhaustible resources like oil have a market-determined monetary value that would mostly maintain in cheque such a effect but such natural capital is bound to stay unaccounted for. Hence, the writers have mandated environmental accounting so that a stock of such resources is profiled in a balance sheet. The flow of their utilizations must besides be accounted and stairss taken to guarantee that their stocks and flows are matched to maintain an history of their efficient use and look into development besides doing informed rational picks in the trade-off. Further, such ac counting and rating will besides supply the policy-makers a dependable and consistent database for effectual direction of the natural capital of the economic system. The book besides generates some contention over theundertaking assessmentsand their concern of dismissing the hereafter by sing that the price reduction rates do non necessarily move as a disadvantage to the environment. The present value of costs of 1000000s of dollars over the period of a longer clip frame say 100 old ages reduces it to a few dollars doing any action highly difficult to warrant on economic evidences. Continuing on their accent on market-based instruments for sustainable development, the writers argue that market-based incentive systems like pollution licenses for industries are better environmental-protection steps than Govt.-mandated bid and control steps. Critical Appraisal This book depicts treatments on the construct of a green economic system and presents an docket for policy on environment. The book limpidly explains why such an economic roadmap to a greener hereafter is indispensable, if modern economic systems are to develop successfully and sustainably. With the increasing jutting growing rate and force per unit areas on natural resources, it is indispensable to anticipate the deductions of this on the environment and program steps to carry through sustainable development. The market rule can happen some relevancy in economic policy-making in India excessively where the environment vs. growing argument finds a considerable policy infinite. However, any undervaluation or wrong measuring of these variables will get the better of the whole procedure and hence must be guarded against. This is a authoritative on the academic topic – environmental economic sciences and widely recommended for reading by pupils and research workers. This is a great book for acquiring started on the issue for a cause that finally has a much larger and long-run impact. The book explores the span of the ways in which we have distorted and damaged the environment and what can be done to account for that harm and perchance cut down or change by reversal it. This is a well-written book on the environmental economic sciences in seven chapters. The writers devote attending to assorted aspects in a systematic and limpid mode. The usage of illustrations, tabular arraies and graphs makes reading and understanding better. Not dismissing the powerful thoughts that the book puts Forth, my broad-spectrum feeling of the book is that the potency of the book is non rather realized. Although the book identifies attacks and schemes for rating of the environment, it seems to be a hard text for the non-practicing economic expert to work with. The book has besides dealt with the pecuniary every bit good as physical attacks to environmental accounting but does non reply which attack to follow but leaves the treatment by acknowledging that the work on the same is still at babyhood and more research needs to be done about it. Obscure Concepts such as ‘intergenerational equity ‘ , ‘informational value of hold ‘ , ‘uncertainty ‘ , ‘irreversibility ‘ , ‘importing and exporting sustainability ‘ , etc. are used in an abstract mode. Chris Patten, the Secretary for Environment at that point of clip, failed to implement the ideas put away by the study, but this does nonper Secan be used to indicate fingers at the content of the study. But the positive image was that, that the book brought all the issues on the tabular array and in public position. The writers could hold included alternate theoretical and methodological attacks like the followers: †¢Tangible thoughts of execution for sustainable development – focal point on how instead than what. †¢Quantitative non qualitative processs for measurement e.g instead than physical/monetary attack, rating of a tree by the energy stored in it, chance cost et Al Overall, although the book is over two decennary old, it is still both appealing and pertinent for person who believer in the cause of the environment. The read should be supplemented by reading the subsequence written twenty old ages post the publication of the original book i.e. â€Å"A new Blueprint for a Green Economy: which highlights the new attacks needed to pull off the turning environmental concerns. The subsequence emphasizes on the implementable policies for economic systems, and explains the importance for the same. In a nutshell, the book’s practical relevancy even today can non be doubted. It has influential thoughts and its realistic proposals continue to fascinate policy shapers till day of the month. Its message underscoring the importance of sustainable economic development is merely deriving more relevancy with each go throughing twenty-four hours in today’s epoch of planetary heating and clime alteration. One can merely disregard this at its ain hazard.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Dangerous Sports Essay

In recent years we have seen a considerable rise in dangerous or extreme sports. This essay shall discuss some of the main reasons why people engage in such sports and suggest ways in which some risks involved in such sports can be reduced. The main reason why people go for dangerous sports is that they get the thrill out of them. They like taking risks. They like to challenge their abilities and potentials. They feel a sense of satisfaction when they come face to face with fears while bungee jumping, rock climbing and so on. In addition, going through a dangerous experience gives them courage and confidence to face the hurdles of their daily life. Another reason for pursuing such sports is that there is a lot of fame and money involved in them. They get attention by doing stunts on motorcycles and jumping from tall buildings. They make headlines in newspapers and TV News Channels. They feel great when their name comes in the Guinness Book of World Records. Once they get famous they get a lot of money also. For instance, many businesses hire them to endorse their products. They also get jobs on the basis of such skills. Many steps can be taken to reduce the risks are that involved. Firstly, these sports should be done under strict supervision. All safety precautions should be taken. Such sports should be performed after sufficient training and under supervision of adults. Sport companies which cater to such sports should require a license for providing such training. Some people suggest banning some sports. However, I do not believe that banning is a good solution. We all know that forbidden fruits taste sweeter and people will do such sports in hiding which would increase the risks involved. To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, people do such sports for fun, for money and for fame. However, such sports should be performed after sufficient training from licensed companies and under some supervision.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Do You Feel any Sympathy for Januarie? Essay

All humans are flawed and without these flaws we wouldn’t be human. Contrary to common assumption Januarie is not merely a two-dimensional character used as a didactic device to demonstrate the importance of spiritual wealth and the innate immorality of the female species. Januarie is a multi-facetted character that like all humanity is imperfect. Januarie’s shortcomings create a level of affinity between him and the reader, as a modern reader it is easy to relate to Januarie and sympathise with him, moreover the fact that Januarie seems to learn very little from his mistakes creates a comic affinity between him and the reader, Januarie embodies the view that ignorance is bliss. Januarie’s pursuit of a wife and consequent marriage to Maye can be interpreted as a confession; an admission that in the end physical satisfaction cannot bridge a spiritual chasm â€Å"And folwed ay his bodily delyt, On women, ther as was his appetyt, As doon thise fooles that been seculeer†. Throughout the Merchant’s Tale circumlocution is used to argue the case for a ‘wholesome’ marital lifestyle as opposed to a ‘sinful’ hedonistic lifestyle, the reader is so engaged by the merchant’s convolutions that the obvious bypasses us. Januarie is the man who could have anything and everything, anything on a material level that is. One might question whether potentially an individual apparently contented with his lifestyle could turn around and willingly sacrifice it. Januarie, in spite of his intellectual limitations, has clearly put his life on the balance and assessed what really matters, Januarie chooses his God over everything else â€Å"And for to lyve under that hooly boond†. Moreover throughout the tale Januarie is openly telling us of the loneliness he feels â€Å"He lyveth helpless and al desolat†, if one was to read between the lines it is apparent that Januarie feels desolated and forlorn, the feeling of true appreciation cannot be bought with any currency. Januarie is becoming painfully self-conscious and it is beginning recognize that no amount of friends or sexual partners can counterweight spiritual emptiness. Credit must be given were it’s due and Januarie’s marriage to Maye was a turning of a new leaf for him, it marked the opening of a new chapter in his life. Certainly, it might be argued that Januarie’s true motives for marriage are not completely reputable. Januarie wants to marry for three main reasons; to birth an heir; for permitted sexual intercourse; and for a place in heaven. However the counter-argument to that is that Januarie only desires the afore-mentioned because society has set the dictate. Society dictates what is correct, it also dictates what is needed and this results in a move towards social conformity. Therefore it can be read that Januarie is a victim of medieval society. Januarie is clearly insecure and self-doubting or else he wouldn’t have renounced his epicurean life â€Å"QUOTE†. As a reader, sympathy can be felt for an individual forced to abandon a lifestyle he is supposedly happy with, Januarie has been indoctrinated by t he social order. From a modern perspective Januarie leads a completely acceptable and feasible lifestyle, and it is social pressures that have pushed him into marriage. Sympathy might also be felt because Januarie is the victim of his own stupidity, he has also brainwashed himself that he ‘needs’ a wife â€Å"QUOTE†, Januarie has persuaded himself. It cannot be forgotten that Januarie does show signs of decency and goodness during the course of the tale. He practices ‘gentillesse’ in his treatment of Damyan, when he finds out of Damyan’s â€Å"siknesse† we see a new dimension of Januarie â€Å"That me forthynketh† Januarie even goes as far as too insist on him and Maye paying a visiting him as soon as possible â€Å"To doon hym al the confort that I kan†, we see a virtuous aspect of Januarie’s personality. It is proleptically ironic that this â€Å"Gentil squire† Damyan that Januarie even quite unwittingly acclaims as â€Å"wys, discreet, and as secree As any man† will cuckold him. Januarie talks of no dowry from Maye’s family and is really saving her and her children from a lifestyle. Maye’s treatment of Januarie towards the end of the tale also elicits sympathy from the reader, even more because throughout tale we are constantly reminded of the incongruity of the couple’s ages â€Å"Whan tendre youthe hath wedded stoupyng age†, it is inevitable that as a modern audience we sympathise with a blind old man rather than a young nubile girl who is â€Å"mannyssh wood†. The one man who has pulled her out of the slum life she once lived, and catapulted her into a lifestyle so far taken from her own is being used as little more than a footstool, an object used to achieve sexual gratification from Damyan, we see the squalid, animalistic nature of humans. We see that Maye is ultimately no better than the old Januarie. Januarie is obviously happy in his new life because he refuses to see a lie when it stares him in the face in the form of May and Damyen up the tree.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Custom Molds, Inc Essay

Case is about family business (father and son : Tom and Mason Miller), which began producing molds and later added production of plastic parts to main business. Although production is traditionally being focused on quality and design of both molds and plastic parts (mass production/ customization accordingly), total number of order is remained the same, but client’s desires have been shifted. 1). Custom Molds Inc. has faced the following major issues: Although the number of parts orders remained virtually constant, the volume per order for parts has increased significantly during last 3 years. These, has created bottlenecks and has led to late deliveries of parts. Two different processes (fabricating molds/producing plastic parts) take place in a single facility. Above-mentioned processes serve different customer needs. Fabricating molds requires more skill-oriented stuff, more flexible and qualitative process. Competitive advantage for finished molds (fabricating molds process) is based on delivery and low cost, and moreover this process has much more higher margin that for producing plastic parts. Sales mix changing has created excess capacity in mold fabrication. Changing electronics manufactures (Custom Molds`s major clients) strategies has influenced order needs in unexpected way. Difficult to predict â€Å"when?† and â€Å"where?†. 2). The competitive priorities for each of the individual processes are the quality, cost effectiveness and customer responsiveness. The changing nature of the industry was in the tendency of manufacturers to develop strategic partnerships with suppliers. Hence, more and more demand for responsiveness was laid upon suppliers to sustain the competition. In the Custom Molds’ case, as order for multiple molds began declining, the responsiveness of the  individual processes began suffering due to the capacity constrains (bottlenecks) at different stages of operations. This naturally entailed the lost sales to customers. (All the individual processes that are carried out at Custom Molds are shown on the flow diagram in exhibit t# 1). 3). Our team suggestions are: Mold fabrication- to focus on small capacity/ specialized machines, and include more workers in supervising process. Producing of plastic parts- to focus on little number, but large capacity machines with insufficient input (workers). Testing and inspection – to move this area in the centre of facility (to make movement of goods more efficient and to make easier communications between inspecting/testing workers and managers). Office- a) to make order placement more truthful (matching ability of order fulfillment with time promised); b) to identify customers` needs more precisely; c) compare changes and it’s influence on company’s finance (taking into consideration return on income); d) due to the market demand company should make strategic decision and conclude if it is better to concentrate on molds or plastic parts (this is the most appropriate alternative).

Friday, September 13, 2019

Answer the question from marketing point of view Essay

Answer the question from marketing point of view - Essay Example Faulty marketing strategy is what many consider as the core reason for its failure to draw the amount of customer it had targeted in the beginning. In such a situation the prowess of Apple's marketing strategy and the success of iPhone in getting a quantum hold over the market come into question. In marketing point of view, it can be conjectured that perhaps, Apple's strategy for iPhone in Europe and Asia has not been able to accomplish what it was supposed to. In my following statement I will discuss the merits and demerits of Apple's marketing strategy, where did they go wrong Their approach towards targeting Asian and European market is also a matter of concern now. The entire wireless industry awaited the advent of iPhone in the market. There was an unrestrained buzz concerning its grand arrival. Since Apple's iPhone is among the few other internet-connected multimedia phones it generated umpteen interests among the mobile users all over the world. One of the major reasons for such a craze about iPhone is its trendy, sleek and modish look. Adding to the outer appeal of the iPhone these smart phones are endowed with advanced features like 3rd generation wireless networking. Apple's iPhone has also been able get the attention of the gizmo geeks who are tempted by its ultra-modern features which include portable media player and visual voicemail. Those who love to flaunt advanced mobiles are easily attracted towards its multi-touch screen and a minimum hardware interface. Besides having an in-built memory of 8 GB the iPhones also have a large screen of 3.5 inches and a striking display. The mobile users and the lovers of modern gadgets were more inclined towards iPhones owing to their endless features that were not available in other mobile phones. There is no denial of the fact that Apple's iPhones were richly added with most advanced features and most of the mobile users were eagerly waiting for its advent. To many, iPhone is a wonderful innovation which offers internet services like, web browsing, and local Wi-Fi connectivity. People started to think of it's a wonder machine which is a major achievement by Apple Inc in revolutionizing wireless industry. Delicate look of the iPhones and their intelligent features combine to make them irresistible among the mobile phone users. Their craze is perhaps much because of the prospect of owning something stylish rather than the interest of using a complicated gadget. Merits and demerits of the strategies adopted by Apple in launching iPhone: The craze for Apple's iPhones is attributable to the excellent marketing strategies adopted by the company. It can also be inferred that since Apple Inc emphasizes on the significance of innovation people all over the world expected to see something unseen and use something which was not known before. The USP of the product was undoubtedly its unique features and endless number of convenient services within that smart phone. It is also to be accepted that the marketing team of Apple strove hard to market their product in a most plausible way. Apple Inc was prudent enough to adopt Price Skimming method in the initial stages of its marketing. This is a marketing strategy in which Apple deliberately overpriced its products without bringing it down. Its tactics has helped

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Encouraging affective organisational commitment in Thai part-time Essay - 1

Encouraging affective organisational commitment in Thai part-time employees at Thai restaurants in UK - Essay Example y on the quality of food and beverages served, the level of hospitality coupled with cosiness of the customers and corresponding general environment of the restaurant. Therefore, the prevailing case study has been appropriately chosen for carrying out research on the customer loyalty at the Thai Square restaurants (Gratton & Jones, 2010, pp234-267). The research topic is purely analytical and the corresponding case study is most appropriate for analysis of the prevailing analytical issues within Thai Square Restaurants. Analytical method mainly entails description of the customer loyalty, which encompasses diverse theories regarding the subject matter and its corresponding applicability within the context of the real life scenario (Hartley, 2004, pp323-333). The analytical method applied within the case study is flexible and supports both the qualitative and quantitative analysis. The underlying case study method fosters studying the data that has been gathered via questionnaire survey (Gratton & Jones, 2010, pp234-267). Thus, analytical reasoning in regard to the underlying research is most appropriate for the existing case study approach. Case study method is mostly employed in the assessment of diverse matters associating to the social science, human and organizational behaviour coupled with the psychological studies (Hartley, 2004, pp323-333). The method utilized within the case study is analytical and mainly entail gathering data from diverse sources utilizing techniques encompassing questionnaire method, telephonic interviews, main and individual interviews. These methods are the fundamental sources of data gathering whilst secondary sources mainly entail information within diverse books, journals and corresponding website publications (Gratton & Jones, 2010, pp234-267). Diverse approaches was utilized in the study of the collected information are mainly categorized into qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques and encompasses statistical

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Interesting Topic on Decision making Research Paper

Interesting Topic on Decision making - Research Paper Example Critical decision making on critical issues that affect the performance of the whole organization is normally coordinated and made by the top leadership of the organization. Organizations that make weak or poor decisions show the kind of bad leadership they have. This always reflect negatively on the organization. On the other hand, organizations that make strong or good decisions normally show the competency of their leadership and that impacts positively on the organizational performance. Decision making can follow the bottom-up system. This way, the decision is made by the line management and it is applied to the top management of an organization. Similarly, decision making can come from the top management down the management ladder. There are also situations where decision making is centric as well as when it is horizontal which involves making decision on the same level of management. Organizations need to concentrate on decisions that are in line with its strategic mission and vision statements. Such decisions ones made, should be implemented in order for their effectiveness to be felt in the organization. This paper is therefore aimed at finding out how decision making as an organizational tool works to impact the performance and outcomes of the organization. Indeed, when good decisions are made in an organization, and the decisions are implemented quickly, the performance of an organization will rise to show the increase. When a survey was done on 350 company executives to establish their organizational effectiveness, only 15% of them stated that their organizations help their businesses perform better than their competitors in their respective industries (Paul & Marcia 2006). The article sets it out clearly that what leads to different performance is the quality with which they carry out their services, speed, and how they execute their decision making process. In this case, one

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Sam 322 unit 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sam 322 unit 5 - Assignment Example Biomechanics provides essential information on the safest and efficient movement patterns and relevant exercise to improve human motion. Therefore, kinesiology and biomechanics work together to help determine what exercise, should a person do, how the workout should be conducted, how effective it is and if the exercise is safe. Biomechanics act as a tool for studying kinesiology. Through the study of kinesiology, the sport professional are capable of learning various body motion mechanisms. They can determine the structure of the musculoskeletal system and their mechanical properties that aid body movement. The biomechanical qualitative and quantitative analysis also provides vital information to analyze human movements to improve effectiveness. The analysis in both quantitative and qualitative involves identification of the factors that affect human movement performance which is interpreted and solved through high levels of critical thinking. The procedure is useful for sports professionals in understanding body motions. Lastly, the study of biomechanics fundamentals such as mechanics, dynamic such as kinematics and kinetics are all vital in explaining the human body movement. For example, a sports professional will use fluid mechanics to study swimming, heart valves, or adapting sports equipment to minimize air

Monday, September 9, 2019

Coffe Shop Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Coffe Shop - Assignment Example Such a center would comprise of the serenity of a calm environment while also providing the rejuvenating refreshments that often correlates with a hassle-free refuge as a necessity for academic or professional research. Of course, the goal of combining the library/caf institutions would be to increase attendance to both the establishment and the downtown community. Like any business, a survey of current customers, i.e. readers/researchers, along with potential attendees must be taken into account if this establishment is ever expected to thrive. Therefore, samples of both categories of people were surveyed to answer the caf/library proposal. The first category of people were provided by Tony Barnett and library staff to meet an established criteria of frequent users, ages ranging from thirty to fifty years. Category number two is composed of individuals solicited by researchers that reside or are employed within a one-mile radius of the downtown area. These individuals are also within the thirty to fifty age ranges. With these candidates, the survey brings the opinions of both current attendees and very potential attendees. To better understand these candidates and their aspirations for the library, they were asked their own personal reasons for utilizing the library. Responses were various to include matters like researching, enjoyment, a place to bring children, internet accessibility, to save money, to utilize a silent environment, the abundance of informational resources, and for the programs any given library often offers. The fundamental purpose for any library will naturally be maintaining and offering informational resources. This correlates with the need to research and the quiet setting to achieve such a goal. Internet accessibility can also be paralleled with informational resources as the internet is perhaps the most modern and rising form of informational media. In fact, many libraries use the World Wide Web as a basis for cataloging the entire inventory of literature they may preserve. Accessibility to the internet in conjunction with the entire stock of literature allows people to save m oney on internet bills and book prices. Without this free access to media and literature, the general public would lack an overall ability to be successful, free-thinking citizens. And of course, there are the children to take into consideration, a population with the highest need of informational as well as imaginative enlightenment. Though schools are the primary establishment ordained to teach children, it is the library that allows for independent study in any field a pupil may deem fascinating. Without the library, the supportive ammunition essential to education would be seriously hindered. In essence, libraries are the pillars of the American educational system and still they remain the preserving force of all human knowledge. The question that comes to bear is how to reinforce these pillars: how can the library improve This question was bestowed to both groups and again a variety of responses were given. The primary concern of group one can be summarized as a need for a more

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Education Plan for Fourth Grade Class Assignment

Education Plan for Fourth Grade Class - Assignment Example About five percent are reading below grade level and approximately 10 percent are reading above their grade level; there are a few children with diagnosed learning disabilities who have been mainstreamed. There are three fourth grade classes that will join together for the unit on history and we have chosen to study World War II with special emphasis on the Holocaust. The curriculum will work to make the events of the Holocaust relevant to the children. 1. Type of Curriculum Harriet Sepinwall states that John Goodlad created five types of curricula that are suitable for teaching fourth graders about the Holocaust. The five curricula are: ideal, formal, perceived, operational and experimental. The operational design is what has been chosen for this educational plan. The operational classroom speaks to the function of the classroom and what is actually being done. The curriculum is â€Å"defined and assessed by lesson plans, observational reports, and videotapes of instructional situa tions† (Sepinwall 4). By using this type of curriculum it will allow students to be immersed in the Holocaust in order to make it more relevant to them. Activities will include reading, drawing, group work and group reading. 2. Goals for the Curriculum We were able to purchase 51 books about World War II and/or the Holocaust. The objective of our program is to use the story of the Holocaust to teach about tolerance, respect for differences, and to help children understand prejudice. Some of our goals include: 1. Students will read books that include the feelings and emotions of children and adults who experienced the Holocaust. 2. To talk about the Holocaust and WWII as they pertain to prejudice and people who were different. 3. To help children identify situations today that are similar to what the Jews experienced during that time. 4. To discuss how children in school are treated and mistreated and talk about what could be done about those children who are mistreated. 3. Act ivities Because we will have four classes coming together to learn about this time in history, we have planned both online and offline activities. As an example, we will start by talking to students about the Holocaust and what it was and how it fit into World War II. Children will read several stories during the course of two weeks from our new library of books and they will present short reports about what they read. We will discuss the information presented in terms of what happens today in similar situations. We will create literature circles so that children can talk about these experiences and they will learn about the Jewish experience and gain more knowledge about WWII and how it is relevant to the Holocaust. We will have the children look at a world map and find where these activities took place. Children will also talk about Hitler and how he came to power and how he lost. Another topic that will come up will be freedom. We will talk about freedom and how we experience fre edom today and what would happen if those freedoms were taken away. Although we would like to take the children to the Holocaust Museum, we are not sure whether this will be a possibility with the school’s budget. An alternative plan is to take them to the museum website because there is a lot of information to read and discuss. We can also take the children on a virtual tour of the Anne Frank house with important information about what happened there (one of the books we